Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. - 2021-01-14T112255.114

What is a Donor Advised Fund?

A donor advised fund (often called a “DAF”) is a charitable investment account maintained and operated by the LCMS Foundation (we handle all the paperwork and administration), but where the donor recommends which ministries will receive grants, how much they’ll receive and the timing of those grants. Donors can easily add to the fund, providing a great option to grow the fund, and its impact, over time. Many families use donor advised funds as part of a Thanksgiving or Christmas tradition, meeting to discuss the ministries they want to support in the coming year.

What are the benefits of a donor advised fund?

First, donor advised funds are simple to create and use. Any asset can be used to fund the account, but using appreciated assets can often provide even greater tax benefits. The fund can be created while you're alive, or after you leave this Earth, as part of your estate plan. 

Donor advised funds are often used to lower taxes after a windfall, such as receiving an inheritance or selling a business. You receive an immediate tax deduction when you make a contribution to a DAF, and, better yet, you aren’t taxed on any growth your DAF experiences, allowing the fund to grow tax-free.

What are the rules for donor advised funds?

A donor advised fund can be opened with the LCMS Foundation with an initial deposit of $25,000. There are no minimums for the amounts of subsequent contributions. Grants must be for at least $250, can be to any official tax-exempt public organization, and can be made anytime during the year. Donors can request as many grants, to multiple organizations, as they like. The first 10 distributions requested annually are free, but a $25 fee will be charged for each additional grant that year. The LCMS Foundation charges 1/12 of 1.1 percent, monthly, to administer the fund. This fee supports our efforts to invest and grow the fund, as well as the cost to handle all transactions into and out of the fund.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. - 2021-01-14T112740.260

Set up an LCMS Foundation donor advised fund today!

Donor advised funds have become a popular way for individuals and families to support the ministries they cherish. A donor advised fund may also help you minimize taxes, either in the current tax year, or on your estate, so that more of your God-given gifts can be passed on to your heirs and to support ministries you care about. Our gift planning counselors can show you how a donor advised fund might fit well into your current lifestyle and be a valuable part of your estate plan. To be contacted by a gift planning counselor fill out the form below.

Cross graphic
Honor the Lord with your wealth
and with the first fruits of all your produce.

Proverbs 3:9


A Simple, Straightforward Process

Our straightforward process begins with discussing what’s important to you. Then, with our knowledge and expertise, we'll help you establish goals, take full advantage of tax benefits, and thoughtfully provide for and your family and your faith, even after you've left this Earth.

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Everyone is Eligible

Many wonder if they have “enough” to create a gift plan. The answer is always yes. All people possess God’s gifts, and even the humblest gifts can make a positive impact. And regardless of the gifts you wish to share, our counselors will work with you, at no charge. Learn more in our FAQ section..

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Options to Structure Your Gift Plan

Just as everyone has different goals and needs, we offer a variety of different options to structure your gift plan. Each option has its respective strengths and variables, and each can be of benefit to someone if applied thoughtfully, and with guidance.

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How can we help you today? If you're a current donor, or if you're new to the LCMS Foundation and would like more information, we'd love to hear from you. Please use the "I have a question or comment about" drop-down field below to get your comment to the correct person or department faster.